5 Ways Softball Coaches Can Use Tech – Free E-Book!


Technology is Rapidly Changing Softball

Travel ball, college, and professional teams are aggressively implementing technology at every 
level of their organizations, helping develop current players and making informed decisions on future
players. But for coaches at any level, implementing technology in a way that fits their existing coaching style can often be daunting.

By focusing on the following five areas, you can start implementing technology to make your coaching more effective and improve your players faster.

1. Quantify Performance: Accuracy

Accuracy should be the number one consideration when evaluating swing analyzers (sensors) to incorporate into your coaching. Without accuracy, everything is misguided. The feedback to your hitters will be tainted and they will struggle to make the adjustments necessary to improve without swing-to-swing consistency.

In a study conducted by The Center for Human Performance, researchers stacked three swing analyzer (sensor) technologies against one another. Blast Softball was the best in all categories, including swing analyzer (sensor) accuracy…

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