Easy Swing Phases to Understand Blast Metrics


By: Kyle Attl – Director of Professional Baseball

Your Blast Swing Analyzer measures a lot during the swing, so it is helpful to break down the swing into simple phases to learn what Blast is measuring and where. This information can help you know your swing! Knowing your swing helps you compete, train, and perform.  

The swing can be broken down into a series of simple phases. Feel free to use your own preferred terminology where you see fit, as it is the message that is the most important.

Blast metrics are currently measured from the point the bat is initiated into the swing until impact (i.e., the Transition, Swing, and Impact phases). Blast does not measure a hitter’s Stance or Load –however, the hitter’s ability to have a comfortable Stance and Load will help them have better metrics when the Blast swing analyzer does measure the swing.  

Hitters have their own style, but not their own fundamentals. The Blast swing analyzer helps measure checkpoint fundamentals throughout the swing. 

Swing Phases

1. Stance

The hitter’s stance can be unique to their own style and comfort. They may take after their favorite player or have a style of their own. Your Blast swing analyzer is not measuring a metric during your stance, but some tips for having a good stance are:


  • See the ball with both eyes 

  • Use the stance to create rhythm and balance 

  • The stance should be generally comfortable and relaxed  

  • Individual styles are acceptable 


2. Load

A hitter’s load prepares them to hit the ball and ideally hit the ball hard. Although your Blast swing analyzer is not measuring the load, Blast metrics are affected by having a good load and movement pattern. Here are some tips on having a good load:  

  • Load should be a controlled tempo

  • Have timing in rhythm with the pitcher 

  • Load should get your front foot down into your hitting position  

  • Have an aggressive mentality, getting ready to hit the ball HARD!  


3. Transition Event (Go!)

The is the first swing phase where your Blast swing analyzer measures your swing. The Transition Event (Go!) is the single point in time that the bat transitions from the Load into the Swing. This is when the hitter initiates the violent part of the swing and is swinging to hit the ball. 

The Transition Event is where Early Connection is measured. This is also the start of the Rotational Acceleration window. (Here is our blog on Evaluation Power with Rotational Acceleration)  

The Transition Event is a key event your Blast Swing Analyzer uses to give you meaningful insight and metrics. 


4. Swing

The Swing phase is when the bat is accelerating, and the barrel is moving towards the ball to hit it. This is where your Blast swing analyzer measures the swing path with On Plane Efficiency, and how fast the bat accelerates early in the swing with Rotational Acceleration. The Swing phase is where all the Blast Swing Metrics are measured.  


5. Impact

The Impact phase is the point in time that the bat hits the ball. This is where the Blast Impact Metrics are measured.  

Impact Metrics can vary based on where contact is made. For example, if contact is made out in front of the plate, Bat Speed will generally be higher than if contact was made deeper in the hitting zone on the same swing. This is true for metrics like Attack Angle too! Here are Blast metrics during the Impact phase of your swing: 
  • Bat Speed 

  • Attack Angle  

  • Vertical Bat Angle 

  • Time to Contact 

  • Peak Hand Speed 

  • Power (kw)  

  • Connection at Impact (technically a swing metric)  


For information on utilizing Blast sensors, click here for baseball or click here for softball. 


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